A glance at the shoes reveals more about a person than any other item of clothing. Today, in a world of sneakers the rebel wears welted shoes. Timeless pieces that never go out of style. Pedro Monge has established his brand against all short-lived trends. The flagship store of Monge Studio expresses the understatement of a quality that speaks for itself. Handmade on Mallorca All Monge shoes are handmade on Mallorca. And they have found their way from here into the world. Now, Pedro is going…
Mallorca Shoe Museum: Museu del Calçat i de la Indústria
Mallorca is a great place to get a new pair of shoes. In fact, footwear has been made on the island for centuries. Today, traditional manufacturers and young creative designers can be found here next to a global player of the industry. The Museu del Calçat i de la Indústria, the Mallorca Shoe Museum in Inca, tells the eventful history of the long-established craft. It‘s only a few steps from popular Cafè Inca to the former army infantry baracks that have been beautifully restored. Where the…