The grand finale of the Sant Sebastià festivities is not for the faint of heart. The city is on fire at the night of the Correfoc in Palma. First thing you spot are wild flames and clouds of smoke. Accompanied by deafening whistles, rhythmic drums and the cracking of fireworks. The unmistakable sound of the fire run is amplified by the reflections of the facades along the narrow streets. Once again, a fierce crowd of demons and dragons roams old town. And you better take cover, if they come at…
Dimonis on Mallorca: A Good Scare
In many cultures it is a custom to drive away evil spirits at the beginning of a new year. On the island, though, January is high season for demons. And while they usually look scary, the dimonis on Mallorca are not actually evil but above all naughty. They take devilish delight in playing tricks on people and giving them a good scare. And they just love all kinds of noise and fireworks. Sant Antoni The colorful hustle and bustle reaches its first climax in mid-January with the Sant Antoni…