As much as I love Mallorca’s countryside, the sea and the mountains I’m a real city dweller. That’s why I live in Palma. Yet, every once in a while I long for a calm shady garden where you can sit under tall trees and get lost in a gripping piece of writing. In the summer months, the BiblioJardí is such a wonderful place. The library garden is situated right in the heart of Palma, next to the cultural center of La Misericòrdia.
Libraries are quiet and sometimes rather stiff places. At BiblioJardí though kids are running around, a group of students is discussing a movie, an elderly couple quietly talking over their paper. The atmosphere is just so friendly and peaceful that you relax the minute you sit down. Next to the garden benches there are small groups of tables and chairs, bookshelves and a colorful kid’s corner with a booth of tales.
I grab a coffee at La Molienda just around the block and forget about time for a while. The garden is open to everyone. If you are a member of the Biblioteca de Cultura Artesana you can borrow any of their newspapers, magazines or books. Or you simply bring your own reading to BiblioJardí.
This article was first published June 13, 2018
Open from June 20 through September 24, 2022
Via Roma, 2
07012 Palma de Mallorca