Year after year, nature performs a unique spectacle on the island. All of a sudden the first tiny flowers miraculously sprout on the dry and barren, seemingly dead trees. Although it is still the middle of winter the almond blossoms on Mallorca are about to unfold. For many, this is the most precious time of year, signifying a new beginning and the coming of spring.
At first it’s just a single tree with a few tender blossoms. Growing on rich red soil, or amidst a meadow of small yellow flowers, set against the spectacular backdrop of the Tramuntana.
Sea of Bloom
When you pass that same place the next day, you will be surprised that the tree got company. Because now the neighboring trees have started to blossom, too. And soon the island will be dotted with seas of bloom in radiant white or delicate pink.
Passing a field full of blossoming almond trees is an exceptional experience for the senses. The almond blossoms exude an intense scent reminiscent of lilies and jasmine.
You can find orchards of almond trees all over the island. In particular in the Southeast, but also around Calvià, or in the Sóller valley, for example.
Fira de la Flor d’Ametler
Every year on the first weekend of February, the almond blossoms on Mallorca are celebrated at the Fira de la Flor d’Ametler. Numerous products made from almonds, almond wood and petals are offered.
From roasted almonds to classic gató, from turrón to perfume. So you can even take the fragrance of the miraculous almond blossom home with you.
This year, the Fira de la Flor d’Ametler takes place on Sunday, Feburary 2, in the historic possessió Ca s’Hereu in Son Servera from 9.30 am to 2 pm.