Once again, Semana Santa on Mallorca is very different this year. Without processions, without music. In the city, the smell of empanadas and crespells reminds us of Easter. And in the countryside, orange trees are in full bloom. I have always been fascinated by the fact that orange trees blossom and bear fruit at the same time.
One of my favorite things to do at Easter is to take a little hike through the valley of Sóller. Amidst the many orange trees it smells indescribable. For many here on Mallorca, the scent of orange blossoms is the smell of spring and the smell of Easter.
And we enjoy it all the more at a time when we rejoice in the things that follow their rhythm of life even in the pandemic. And remind us that Easter has always stood for reawakening, for resurrection. In this sense, a beautiful and joyful Easter to all of you.